I'm a Pastor's Husband

Well, it's official: I am now a pastor's husband.

I've heard tales of what it's like to be a pastor's wife, but I assumed I was safe from such things being a man and all. Not so. Yesterday, my wife was officially inducted, no sworn, no commissioned, no inaugurated...you know, I'm not sure what the actual insertion process is, but my wife officially became the Children's Pastor at our Church. It is right up her alley, being a kindergarten teacher and all.

This has been a few weeks in the making, but it is now legit.

...We will be celebrating our 5-year anniversary this summer, I wonder if she would be able to preside over the service should we decide to renew our vows?

In any event, true to form, as a pastor's spouse, I have already been recruited to help out - which should be interesting (for reasons why, you can read about my first experience with the children here). They have no idea what they are getting themselves into.

All kidding aside, I'm proud of her. She received a prophetic word about two years ago that within three years she would be in full-time ministry. She now teaches part-time at a private Christian academy and is our Children's Pastor. Do two part-times equal one full time? Actually, both are really full-time positions in every respect, except pay of course.

Perhaps the prophetic word should have been, "within three years you will be in ministry double-time."

So, would you please be so kind as to join me in congratulating my lovely wife, Pastor "Lolo."

More "Thoughts on the Inauguration"

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