The Man in the Hat

The Man in the Hat

My take on Dr. Seuss' take on the 2016 Presidential election.

The Man in the Hat

The Sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
But no one stayed home
on this election day.
Too much at stake,
so much fear.
What ever will we do
this election year?

But wait,
let's look back at when
something went BUMP!
Oh my, how that bump made us jump!
It was no ordinary bump,
But rather the Man in the Hat
they call, "Trump."

Right off of his plane
Stepped the Man in the Hat
He promised he'd fix
all of this and all that.
Then the Man in the Hat
said with a grin,
"I'll Make America Great Again."

"Oh, no, you won't,"
cried the voice never mute
of the former first lady
in her usual pantsuit.
"We're stronger together,
not divided by walls.
I know what's best:
Open bathroom stalls!"

"No, it's jobs,"
shouted he in the red and white cap.
"It's our health, not your wealth,"
she replied after a nap.
After much groping, and poking,
and stoking of fires,
there were shrieks and leaks
from all sorts of liars.

Until that one day
when they each realized
that all the kicking and screaming
left everyone surprised.
Then all at once
they both finally agreed.
A great nation, together
is what we all need.

No more red, no more blue.
United we win.
Together we can
Make America Great Again.
But that's pie in the sky
thinking I fear
because you can bet
that ain't happening this year!

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