Okay, not exactly. But, to the extent to which God intended equality of the sexes, I think so.
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Gen. 5:2 (KJV)
The tension between Christianity (or Christian doctrine) and feminism has always struck me as odd and unnecessary. God created them, male and female, and called them Adam.
In Genesis 2, we are told that Adam named his helper "Woman," but I don't find anywhere in scripture where God makes such a distinction. God created a helper for Adam, but called them Adam.
Later in scripture, there are rules for how humans are to interact, govern, and live peaceably in a society, but I believe those are for the benefit of mankind, given from a merciful God who knows all to well the frailties of Adam. In the New Testament, Paul gives additional instructions out of revelation of how these beings can best interact and accomplish God's will on earth.
But, male and female are indeed two sides of the same coin, and together we are one Adam.