My cyber-buddy and truly one of the funniest Christian bloggers in cyberspace HiScrivener (The Writing on the Wall), has bestowed upon this little blog a really cool sounding award, the Noblesse Oblige (in French, "nobility obligates"). And with only a minor obligation, I nobly accept this award.
Now the minor obligation (or, the rules): award recipients should post the logo, nominate and link up to nine people worthy of the award, and recognize the person who nominated them with a little link love.
As I scan my blogroll, I notice that many of my blogging brethren have been nominated by other noble obligees. Nevertheless, my nominees are:
- Robert Jimenez at Inquiring Minds
- Bob McDonald at Bob's Log, Sufficiency and others (Bob is really noble, and really obligated)
- Brian Fulthorp at Living the Crucified Life
- Gary Zimmerli at The Sundry Times
- Bitsy Griffin at Jack of All Trades
- Rev. Mark Stevens at Scripture, Ministry, and the People of God
- Esteban VaZqueZ at The Voice of Stefan (upon his return to the blogosphere, and upon his completion of various computer repairs and/or upgrades) UPDATE 6/10/09: Esteban is back and better than ever and now here at Wordpress.
- Bryan at Katagraphais (a new member of the BOB blogroll and my Google Reader)
- and last, but certainly not least, my very own pastor, Eric von Atzigen whose new blog Monday Morning Review is off to a good start