Yours truly! Tada!
Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in Palestinian Society by Anthony J. Saldarini.
It seems as though I have new reading material. Esteban Vazquez of The Voice of Stefan announced today that the winner of Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in Palestinian Society is none other than me.
My apologies to Esteban for the egregious spelling error in my first post on the subject, and I will gladly accept the imposed punishment of a few extra shipping days for the misdeed.
I, of all people, should be sensistive to the spelling variations of Hispanic/Latino surnames. Afterall, Lopes doesn't quite work, does it(?), nor should Vasquez when the proper spelling is Vazquez.
Regardless of how he or I choose to spell his last name, Esteban's blog is great reading material, and I encourage you all to subscribe and prepare to have your thoughts provoked. Have a great weekend everyone.